Sunday, February 3, 2013

Elections in Italy right

Election period in Italy, the former prime minister and center-right leader Silvio Berlusconi, announced the election promises, the IMU home owners (residential) abolition of tax, the tax is collected up until now will be paid back at ...

election period, in Italy, the former prime minister and center-right leader Silvio Berlusconi, announced the election promises, the IMU home owners (residential) abolition of tax, the tax is collected up until now will be paid back as well, he said.

The country go to the polls on February 24-25, liberal People's Party (PDL) gathered under the roof of the center-right Berlusconi, who led the party's election rally held in Milan, said residential taxes will be removed.

"The first meeting of the council of ministers, tax will be removed from the IMU. Families to be repaid in taxes in 2012," said Berlusconi, to make peace with the families to perform this step as a symbol of the state and between the state and the family argued that a new page will open. Berlusconi said, adding that payments be made in cash, especially pensioners.

Berlusconi, left of center than they are saying it is credible and reliable, claimed that the selection will win.

which sets out the leadership of the central movement of the elections and for the country's financial crisis at the same time implementing tax IMU is the prime minister Mario Monti, Berlusconi promises that all the time, but did not make them, saying his opponent is loaded.

According to polls, the election is expected to be the victory of Berlusconi's center-left leader Pierluigi Bersani also suggested doing demagogy.

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