Sunday, February 3, 2013

Google are looking for young people to change the world!

Google, scientific discoveries that change the world are looking for young people between the ages of 13-18 will sign. Winner of 50 thousand a $'s scholarship and the Galapagos vacation.

Famous for its traditional Internet search engine Google to search scientists began to study the third. The purpose of the project developed by Google, said in a statement that it finds the product or pave the way for young people stated that rely on scientific discovery.

Young people aged between 13-18 years old from around the world to participate in the contest deadline is April 30. The winners will be announced at a ceremony on September 23 in the center of Google in California. Applications must be made through address.

Their aim is to expose young people to change the world that Google, "After all, the Louis Braille alphabet for blind people developed the only 16 years old. Addition, when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone 29 years old," the statement said. Google may also enter the competition for the people of the future of science education grants to 50 thousand dollars, and the Galapagos Islands holidays with their families to organize.

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