Friday, February 1, 2013

Record Samsung does not mind!

Samsung mobile phones sold in the last 3 months, the number of those who "no longer" dedirtti!

Samsung announced figures for the last quarter of 2012, compared to the same period last year, the company's profit jumped to record levels showed an increase of 76 per cent.

The company's net income in the last quarter of 2012 increased to $ 47.5 billion (26 per cent higher than the same period last year). Trading profit reached approximately 4.7 billion, the company has managed to break the record date so.

South Korea-based company, sells smartphone does not explain how the last three months. According to analysts' estimates, however, only in the last quarter of 2012, Samsung sold 63 million mobile phones.

Samsung Galaxy is expected to introduce in April or May in preparation for the S4 is also a great month to sell 10 million Galaxy S4 orders accordingly, is said to be thinking. One of the most popular on the market at the moment, Galaxy S3 pockets, sold 40 million worldwide.

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