Friday, February 1, 2013

Where there is life in outer space?

Astronomers re-tanımlamayaçalışıyor habitable regions in space. According to them 'habitable zones' than it is far away from the stars.
According to scientists "habitable zone referred to as' places us in a place not too far nor too close. Recent measurements stopped right corner of the Earth's habitable zones were calculated.
Penn State University study, conducted under the leadership of Ravi Kumar Kopparapu'nun was re-definition of habitable zones. Accordingly, the habitable zone elements necessary to provide adequate water and life more.
Scientists compared the habitable zones of stars than it is old tahminlerlerle new estimates are far from decided. According to research in the journal Astrophysical Journal water and carbon dioxide from the old model is not important whether the planet is close to the star. Habitable planets in the solar system may be the new model predicts that uzaklarında.
The new model is based on the accounts based in the furthest corner of the world habitable zone

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